Post by CC06 on Apr 16, 2022 19:37:41 GMT -5
If you look at the index, you'll almost certainly see a large amount in your "Cut Players" salary at the bottom of your team page. If this number confuses you, please see Question 5 here:
Anyways, these are the cap holds on your free agents. In layman's terms, the cap hold is the price you have to pay to hold that player's bird rights. You can renounce any and all of these (except for incomplete roster charges and previously waived players), but just remember that when you do you lose bird rights on that player. Here is a list of all the holds for this off-season:
Othella Lumpp (Celtics) - $371,250
Larry Brezec (Celtics) - $1,800,000
Juaquin Hawkins (Celtics) - $272,250
Jim Copeland (Celtics) - $321,750
Edwin Byrnes (Heat) - $3,505,671
Kentavious Mahnken (Heat) - $297,000
Mark Hendrickson (Heat) - $272,250
Bryon Russell (Heat) - $6,662,775
Mark DeBusschere (Heat) - $371,250
Danny Anderson (Heat) - $1,800,000
MarShon McCants (Heat) - $297,000
Matt Claxton (Nets) - $297,000
JoJo Turner (Nets) - $371,250
George Leaks (Nets) - $297,000
George Lynch (Nets) - $5,219,754
Brandon Williams (Nets) - $272,250
Dante Robinson (Nets) - $321,750
Keith Wilson (Nets) - $297,000
Trey Williams (Knicks) - $297,000
Terry Ewing (Knicks) - $297,000
Jamal Mashburn (Knicks) - $9,796,101
Oliver Foyle (Knicks) - $297,000
P.J. Duren (Knicks) - $297,000
Willie Thacker (Knicks) - $321,750
Mouhamed Thorn (Knicks) - $297,000
Martin Muursepp (Magic) - $272,250
Yante Wilson (Magic) - $297,000
Butch Wright (Magic) - $321,750
Cedrick Hirsch (Magic) - $272,250
Ben Reed (Magic) - $1,795,950
Lindsey Hunter (Magic) - $8,838,858
Charles Christopher (Magic) - $272,250
Will Cunningham (76ers) - $272,250
Bill Mathis (76ers) - $3,870,027
Robert Koski (76ers) - $321,750
Irving Counts (76ers) - $272,250
Alec Webster (Wizards) - $297,000
Wayne Hodge (Wizards) - $297,000
Fred Ricketts (Wizards) - $297,000
Dave Melton (Wizards) - $272,250
Justin McNeal (Wizards) - $297,000
Joe Cook (Wizards) - $272,250
Austin Anderson (Wizards) - $1,192,554
Justin Diogu (Wizards) - $371,250
Ken Block (Wizards) - $371,250
Melvin Boone (Wizards) - $297,000
Hank Korkmaz (Hawks) - $297,000
Quinn Eggleston (Hawks) - $1,963,266
Jack Fields (Hawks) - $321,750
Garry Guokas (Hawks) - $297,000
Clark Peck (Hawks) - $2,055,455
Ed Bailey (Hawks) - $297,000
Gerard Christensen (Hawks) - $16,930,373
Jeff Tucker (Hawks) - $371,250
Jack Matthews (Hawks) - $297,000
Allie Hartenstein (Hornets) - $297,000
Anfernee Hardaway (Hornets) - $10,890,960
Chris Granger (Hornets) - $272,250
Jordan Hairston (Hornets) - $297,000
Bryon Cunningham (Hornets) - $272,250
Gheorghe Boerwinkle (Bulls) - $3,628,356
Kevin Hanson (Bulls) - $1,430,000
Cory Wedman (Bulls) - $297,000
Joe Bramlett (Bulls) - $1,629,824
Austin Porter (Bulls) - $297,000
Danny Allen (Bulls) - $321,750
Isaiah Rider (Bulls) - $7,287,246
Frido Jones (Bulls) - $272,250
Steve Hamer (Cavaliers) - $272,250
Jericho Johnson (Cavaliers) - $297,000
Erick Lockhart (Cavaliers) - $297,000
Sam Cassell (Cavaliers) - $6,113,691
Doug Thomas (Cavaliers) - $272,250
Haywood Schaefer (Cavaliers) - $272,250
Ruben Wolkowyski (Pistons) - $2,400,000
Fred Paddio (Pistons) - $297,000
Jason Sasser (Pistons) - $1,200,000
Johnny West (Pistons) - $297,000
Hamed Hughes (Pacers) - $272,250
Ben Davis (Pacers) - $272,250
Jordan Bragg (Pacers) - $297,000
Alex Anthony (Pacers) - $297,000
Daishen Beck (Pacers) - $297,000
Greg Cage (Pacers) - $3,480,330
Jamil Fotsis (Pacers) - $297,000
Al Simmons (Pacers) - $297,000
Caldwell DeZonie (Pacers) - $297,000
Gundars King (Bucks) - $297,000
Donte Daughtry (Bucks) - $297,000
Chase Rollins (Bucks) - $297,000
Nathan Rondo (Bucks) - $272,250
John Callahan (Bucks) - $297,000
Scott Ellis (Bucks) - $297,000
Al-Farouq Zopf (Bucks) - $297,000
Darrell Dark (Bucks) - $321,750
Jimmy Hilliard (Bucks) - $297,000
Todd Fuller (Raptors) - $272,250
Darius Adams (Raptors) - $297,000
Bo Outlaw (Raptors) - $4,978,509
Darrun Allen (Raptors) - $297,000
God Scott (Mavericks) - $297,000
Chuckie Shaw (Mavericks) - $297,000
Myron Weber (Mavericks) - $297,000
Elvin Rodman (Mavericks) - $297,000
Ed Malone (Mavericks) - $272,250
Derrick Nixon (Mavericks) - $371,250
Antonio Martin (Mavericks) - $1,359,876
George McDyess (Mavericks) - $1,027,813
Isaiah Louzada (Mavericks) - $321,750
Bob Johnson (Mavericks) - $297,000
Theo Rush (Nuggets) - $396,000
Jevon Feick (Nuggets) - $1,065,600
Garth Butler (Nuggets) - $371,250
Bobby Kinney (Nuggets) - $297,000
Bismack Haley (Nuggets) - $1,288,530
Harvey Phelps (Nuggets) - $297,000
Mike Gasol (Nuggets) - $297,000
Branden Jefferson (Nuggets) - $297,000
Garret Davis (Nuggets) - $297,000
Jesse Naber (Nuggets) - $1,077,570
Lorenzo Wright (Nuggets) - $932,400
Davis Conlon (Nuggets) - $19,098,828
Jordan Jones (Rockets) - $321,750
Dick Mandic (Rockets) - $272,250
Corie Blount (Rockets) - $3,903,678
Jawad Ford (Rockets) - $297,000
Jamaal Patterson (Rockets) - $297,000
Vincent Nowitzki (Rockets) - $272,250
Dick Paultz (Rockets) - $297,000
Shawn Bradley (Timberwolves) - $4,732,698
Horacio Llamas (Timberwolves) - $272,250
Jeff Jones (Timberwolves) - $2,253,282
Ken Blevins (Timberwolves) - $321,750
Matt Coleman (Timberwolves) - $297,000
Gary Fenley (Timberwolves) - $272,250
Trajan Cousins (Timberwolves) - $297,000
Kelvin Johnson (Timberwolves) - $297,000
Mel Britton (Timberwolves) - $4,282,161
Jeff Reddout (Timberwolves) - $297,000
Skip Arnzen (Timberwolves) - $297,000
INCOMPLETE ROSTER CHARGE (Timberwolves) - $242,000
Gerald Pondexter (Spurs) - $321,750
Pete Tucker (Spurs) - $321,750
Davon Crawford (Spurs) - $297,000
Irv Douglas (Spurs) - $371,250
Jaysean Lister (Spurs) - $321,750
Jim Strickland (Spurs) - $297,000
Gary McCants (Jazz) - $1,596,665
Steve Hall (Jazz) - $321,750
Steve Higgins (Jazz) - $1,159,239
Bruce Bowen (Jazz) - $5,142,342
Scott Burrell (Jazz) - $5,628,429
Theo Pelle (Jazz) - $297,000
Keifer White (Jazz) - $297,000
Randy Brown (Jazz) - $1,696,860
Johnny Bassett (Jazz) - $272,250
Art Long (Grizzlies) - $272,250
Marcus Brown (Grizzlies) - $272,250
Stan Parker (Grizzlies) - $321,750
INCOMPLETE ROSTER CHARGE (Grizzlies) - $242,000
Dick Grunfeld (Warriors) - $1,039,983
Steve Rentzias (Warriors) - $321,750
Clifford Devlin (Warriors) - $321,750
Blake Favors (Warriors) - $272,250
Joe Stephens (Warriors) - $272,250
Carlik Williams (Warriors) - $297,000
Coby Howard (Warriors) - $297,000
Johnny Johnson (Warriors) - $1,800,000
Jim Lee (Warriors) - $973,530
Doug Hollis (Clippers) - $297,000
Jarnell Sloan (Clippers) - $297,000
Reggie Dort (Clippers) - $297,000
Danilo Clifton (Clippers) - $3,936,357
Otto Nelson (Clippers) - $297,000
Dick White (Clippers) - $297,000
Wayne Mitrou-Long (Clippers) - $1,849,454
Kannard Donovan (Clippers) - $297,000
Ervin Johnson (Lakers) - $3,832,911
Zoran Jones (Lakers) - $2,155,140
Lonny Howard (Lakers) - $321,750
Marko Andersen (Lakers) - $5,062,887
Richie Adrien (Lakers) - $1,593,653
Aleksandar Haskins (Suns) - $371,250
Chris Webber (Suns) - $8,016,765
John Schultz (Suns) - $1,455,318
Isaac N'Diaye (Suns) - $297,000
Dirk Roberts (Suns) - $297,000
Jon Negratti (Suns) - $272,250
Doug Teodosic (Suns) - $321,750
Vin Baker (Trail Blazers) - $5,351,022
Roy Rogers (Trail Blazers) - $272,250
INCOMPLETE ROSTER CHARGE (Trail Blazers) - $484,000
Priest Lauderdale (Kings) - $2,400,000
George Mulder (Kings) - $321,750
Rodney Rogers (Kings) - $4,501,647
Aaron Williams (Kings) - $4,094,799
Allan Houston (Kings) - $5,290,749
Rollen Becker (Kings) - $1,200,000
Miles Lovellette (Kings) - $371,250
Gabe Mayberry (Kings) - $297,000
Rick Kunnert (SuperSonics) - $272,250
Cameron Hastings (SuperSonics) - $272,250
Nick Van Exel (SuperSonics) - $12,162,951
Red Woodson (SuperSonics) - $272,250
INCOMPLETE ROSTER CHARGE (SuperSonics) - $242,000
Brief explanation of Incomplete Roster Charge:
You need a minimum of 12 players on your roster at the start of the season. Incomplete roster charges are the amount of a minimum salary times the number of roster spots you have open, if this number is less than 12. Note that cap holds DO count as a roster spot in these calculations, so most teams will not have incomplete roster charges when this is initially posted, but may incur them once they waive any cap holds.
You may notice that all free agents aren't on here. As the rules thread posted above states, the player's birds are automatically renounced if he plays zero games on the season.
Also please note that cap holds do NOT impact luxury tax calculations, with the exception of incomplete roster charges and previously waived players' salaries.
You can post in this thread which players you want to renounce. This thread will stay open until the off-season ends, and the rights will automatically be renounced after training camp if you haven't done so already. You can decide in waves, but all decisions to renounce are final. If you renounce an RFA, you lose the right to match on their offer sheet.
Anyways, these are the cap holds on your free agents. In layman's terms, the cap hold is the price you have to pay to hold that player's bird rights. You can renounce any and all of these (except for incomplete roster charges and previously waived players), but just remember that when you do you lose bird rights on that player. Here is a list of all the holds for this off-season:
Othella Lumpp (Celtics) - $371,250
Larry Brezec (Celtics) - $1,800,000
Juaquin Hawkins (Celtics) - $272,250
Jim Copeland (Celtics) - $321,750
Edwin Byrnes (Heat) - $3,505,671
Kentavious Mahnken (Heat) - $297,000
Mark Hendrickson (Heat) - $272,250
Bryon Russell (Heat) - $6,662,775
Mark DeBusschere (Heat) - $371,250
Danny Anderson (Heat) - $1,800,000
MarShon McCants (Heat) - $297,000
Matt Claxton (Nets) - $297,000
JoJo Turner (Nets) - $371,250
George Leaks (Nets) - $297,000
George Lynch (Nets) - $5,219,754
Brandon Williams (Nets) - $272,250
Dante Robinson (Nets) - $321,750
Keith Wilson (Nets) - $297,000
Trey Williams (Knicks) - $297,000
Terry Ewing (Knicks) - $297,000
Jamal Mashburn (Knicks) - $9,796,101
Oliver Foyle (Knicks) - $297,000
P.J. Duren (Knicks) - $297,000
Willie Thacker (Knicks) - $321,750
Mouhamed Thorn (Knicks) - $297,000
Martin Muursepp (Magic) - $272,250
Yante Wilson (Magic) - $297,000
Butch Wright (Magic) - $321,750
Cedrick Hirsch (Magic) - $272,250
Ben Reed (Magic) - $1,795,950
Lindsey Hunter (Magic) - $8,838,858
Charles Christopher (Magic) - $272,250
Will Cunningham (76ers) - $272,250
Bill Mathis (76ers) - $3,870,027
Robert Koski (76ers) - $321,750
Irving Counts (76ers) - $272,250
Alec Webster (Wizards) - $297,000
Wayne Hodge (Wizards) - $297,000
Fred Ricketts (Wizards) - $297,000
Dave Melton (Wizards) - $272,250
Justin McNeal (Wizards) - $297,000
Joe Cook (Wizards) - $272,250
Austin Anderson (Wizards) - $1,192,554
Justin Diogu (Wizards) - $371,250
Ken Block (Wizards) - $371,250
Melvin Boone (Wizards) - $297,000
Hank Korkmaz (Hawks) - $297,000
Quinn Eggleston (Hawks) - $1,963,266
Jack Fields (Hawks) - $321,750
Garry Guokas (Hawks) - $297,000
Clark Peck (Hawks) - $2,055,455
Ed Bailey (Hawks) - $297,000
Gerard Christensen (Hawks) - $16,930,373
Jeff Tucker (Hawks) - $371,250
Jack Matthews (Hawks) - $297,000
Allie Hartenstein (Hornets) - $297,000
Anfernee Hardaway (Hornets) - $10,890,960
Chris Granger (Hornets) - $272,250
Jordan Hairston (Hornets) - $297,000
Bryon Cunningham (Hornets) - $272,250
Gheorghe Boerwinkle (Bulls) - $3,628,356
Kevin Hanson (Bulls) - $1,430,000
Cory Wedman (Bulls) - $297,000
Joe Bramlett (Bulls) - $1,629,824
Austin Porter (Bulls) - $297,000
Danny Allen (Bulls) - $321,750
Isaiah Rider (Bulls) - $7,287,246
Frido Jones (Bulls) - $272,250
Steve Hamer (Cavaliers) - $272,250
Jericho Johnson (Cavaliers) - $297,000
Erick Lockhart (Cavaliers) - $297,000
Sam Cassell (Cavaliers) - $6,113,691
Doug Thomas (Cavaliers) - $272,250
Haywood Schaefer (Cavaliers) - $272,250
Ruben Wolkowyski (Pistons) - $2,400,000
Fred Paddio (Pistons) - $297,000
Jason Sasser (Pistons) - $1,200,000
Johnny West (Pistons) - $297,000
Hamed Hughes (Pacers) - $272,250
Ben Davis (Pacers) - $272,250
Jordan Bragg (Pacers) - $297,000
Alex Anthony (Pacers) - $297,000
Daishen Beck (Pacers) - $297,000
Greg Cage (Pacers) - $3,480,330
Jamil Fotsis (Pacers) - $297,000
Al Simmons (Pacers) - $297,000
Caldwell DeZonie (Pacers) - $297,000
Gundars King (Bucks) - $297,000
Donte Daughtry (Bucks) - $297,000
Chase Rollins (Bucks) - $297,000
Nathan Rondo (Bucks) - $272,250
John Callahan (Bucks) - $297,000
Scott Ellis (Bucks) - $297,000
Al-Farouq Zopf (Bucks) - $297,000
Darrell Dark (Bucks) - $321,750
Jimmy Hilliard (Bucks) - $297,000
Todd Fuller (Raptors) - $272,250
Darius Adams (Raptors) - $297,000
Bo Outlaw (Raptors) - $4,978,509
Darrun Allen (Raptors) - $297,000
God Scott (Mavericks) - $297,000
Chuckie Shaw (Mavericks) - $297,000
Myron Weber (Mavericks) - $297,000
Elvin Rodman (Mavericks) - $297,000
Ed Malone (Mavericks) - $272,250
Derrick Nixon (Mavericks) - $371,250
Antonio Martin (Mavericks) - $1,359,876
George McDyess (Mavericks) - $1,027,813
Isaiah Louzada (Mavericks) - $321,750
Bob Johnson (Mavericks) - $297,000
Theo Rush (Nuggets) - $396,000
Jevon Feick (Nuggets) - $1,065,600
Garth Butler (Nuggets) - $371,250
Bobby Kinney (Nuggets) - $297,000
Bismack Haley (Nuggets) - $1,288,530
Harvey Phelps (Nuggets) - $297,000
Mike Gasol (Nuggets) - $297,000
Branden Jefferson (Nuggets) - $297,000
Garret Davis (Nuggets) - $297,000
Jesse Naber (Nuggets) - $1,077,570
Lorenzo Wright (Nuggets) - $932,400
Davis Conlon (Nuggets) - $19,098,828
Jordan Jones (Rockets) - $321,750
Dick Mandic (Rockets) - $272,250
Corie Blount (Rockets) - $3,903,678
Jawad Ford (Rockets) - $297,000
Jamaal Patterson (Rockets) - $297,000
Vincent Nowitzki (Rockets) - $272,250
Dick Paultz (Rockets) - $297,000
Shawn Bradley (Timberwolves) - $4,732,698
Horacio Llamas (Timberwolves) - $272,250
Jeff Jones (Timberwolves) - $2,253,282
Ken Blevins (Timberwolves) - $321,750
Matt Coleman (Timberwolves) - $297,000
Gary Fenley (Timberwolves) - $272,250
Trajan Cousins (Timberwolves) - $297,000
Kelvin Johnson (Timberwolves) - $297,000
Mel Britton (Timberwolves) - $4,282,161
Jeff Reddout (Timberwolves) - $297,000
Skip Arnzen (Timberwolves) - $297,000
INCOMPLETE ROSTER CHARGE (Timberwolves) - $242,000
Gerald Pondexter (Spurs) - $321,750
Pete Tucker (Spurs) - $321,750
Davon Crawford (Spurs) - $297,000
Irv Douglas (Spurs) - $371,250
Jaysean Lister (Spurs) - $321,750
Jim Strickland (Spurs) - $297,000
Gary McCants (Jazz) - $1,596,665
Steve Hall (Jazz) - $321,750
Steve Higgins (Jazz) - $1,159,239
Bruce Bowen (Jazz) - $5,142,342
Scott Burrell (Jazz) - $5,628,429
Theo Pelle (Jazz) - $297,000
Keifer White (Jazz) - $297,000
Randy Brown (Jazz) - $1,696,860
Johnny Bassett (Jazz) - $272,250
Art Long (Grizzlies) - $272,250
Marcus Brown (Grizzlies) - $272,250
Stan Parker (Grizzlies) - $321,750
INCOMPLETE ROSTER CHARGE (Grizzlies) - $242,000
Dick Grunfeld (Warriors) - $1,039,983
Steve Rentzias (Warriors) - $321,750
Clifford Devlin (Warriors) - $321,750
Blake Favors (Warriors) - $272,250
Joe Stephens (Warriors) - $272,250
Carlik Williams (Warriors) - $297,000
Coby Howard (Warriors) - $297,000
Johnny Johnson (Warriors) - $1,800,000
Jim Lee (Warriors) - $973,530
Doug Hollis (Clippers) - $297,000
Jarnell Sloan (Clippers) - $297,000
Reggie Dort (Clippers) - $297,000
Danilo Clifton (Clippers) - $3,936,357
Otto Nelson (Clippers) - $297,000
Dick White (Clippers) - $297,000
Wayne Mitrou-Long (Clippers) - $1,849,454
Kannard Donovan (Clippers) - $297,000
Ervin Johnson (Lakers) - $3,832,911
Zoran Jones (Lakers) - $2,155,140
Lonny Howard (Lakers) - $321,750
Marko Andersen (Lakers) - $5,062,887
Richie Adrien (Lakers) - $1,593,653
Aleksandar Haskins (Suns) - $371,250
Chris Webber (Suns) - $8,016,765
John Schultz (Suns) - $1,455,318
Isaac N'Diaye (Suns) - $297,000
Dirk Roberts (Suns) - $297,000
Jon Negratti (Suns) - $272,250
Doug Teodosic (Suns) - $321,750
Vin Baker (Trail Blazers) - $5,351,022
Roy Rogers (Trail Blazers) - $272,250
INCOMPLETE ROSTER CHARGE (Trail Blazers) - $484,000
Priest Lauderdale (Kings) - $2,400,000
George Mulder (Kings) - $321,750
Rodney Rogers (Kings) - $4,501,647
Aaron Williams (Kings) - $4,094,799
Allan Houston (Kings) - $5,290,749
Rollen Becker (Kings) - $1,200,000
Miles Lovellette (Kings) - $371,250
Gabe Mayberry (Kings) - $297,000
Rick Kunnert (SuperSonics) - $272,250
Cameron Hastings (SuperSonics) - $272,250
Nick Van Exel (SuperSonics) - $12,162,951
Red Woodson (SuperSonics) - $272,250
INCOMPLETE ROSTER CHARGE (SuperSonics) - $242,000
Brief explanation of Incomplete Roster Charge:
You need a minimum of 12 players on your roster at the start of the season. Incomplete roster charges are the amount of a minimum salary times the number of roster spots you have open, if this number is less than 12. Note that cap holds DO count as a roster spot in these calculations, so most teams will not have incomplete roster charges when this is initially posted, but may incur them once they waive any cap holds.
You may notice that all free agents aren't on here. As the rules thread posted above states, the player's birds are automatically renounced if he plays zero games on the season.
Also please note that cap holds do NOT impact luxury tax calculations, with the exception of incomplete roster charges and previously waived players' salaries.
You can post in this thread which players you want to renounce. This thread will stay open until the off-season ends, and the rights will automatically be renounced after training camp if you haven't done so already. You can decide in waves, but all decisions to renounce are final. If you renounce an RFA, you lose the right to match on their offer sheet.