Post by CC06 on Jun 8, 2022 18:23:46 GMT -5
If you look at the index, you'll almost certainly see a large amount in your "Cut Players" salary at the bottom of your team page. If this number confuses you, please see Question 5 here:
Anyways, these are the cap holds on your free agents. In layman's terms, the cap hold is the price you have to pay to hold that player's bird rights. You can renounce any and all of these (except for incomplete roster charges and previously waived players), but just remember that when you do you lose bird rights on that player. Here is a list of all the holds for this off-season:
Lawrence Funderburke (Celtics) - $7,287,246
Cory Wedman (Celtics) - $500,000
Joe Stephens (Celtics) - $425,000
Derek Grimm (Celtics) - $350,000
Voshon Lenard (Celtics) - $5,290,749
Doug Thomas (Celtics) - $425,000
Renaldo Blaylock (Heat) - $2,779,446
JoJo Turner (Heat) - $500,000
Theo Pelle (Heat) - $500,000
Bismack Haley (Heat) - $500,000
Lennie King (Heat) - $350,000
Howard Eisley (Heat) - $6,662,775
Chris Garner (Heat) - $350,000
Stan Parker (Heat) - $450,000
Caldwell DeZonie (Heat) - $500,000
Lonny Howard (Nets) - $450,000
Chris Crawford (Nets) - $350,000
George Leaks (Nets) - $475,000
Wesley Taylor (Nets) - $3,505,671
Matt Coleman (Nets) - $500,000
Jawun Blanton (Nets) - $3,105,000
Dirk Roberts (Nets) - $475,000
Haywood Schaefer (Nets) - $425,000
Lorenzo Wright (Nets) - $500,000
Gerald Pondexter (Knicks) - $450,000
Donyell Marshall (Knicks) - $5,062,887
Hank Lott (Knicks) - $500,000
Blake Favors (Knicks) - $500,000
P.J. Duren (Knicks) - $500,000
Gundars King (Magic) - $500,000
Rich Hernandez (Magic) - $500,000
Danilo Clifton (Magic) - $500,000
Torrey Garza (Magic) - $500,000
Dedric Willoughby (Magic) - $350,000
Branden Jefferson (Magic) - $500,000
Jim Lee (Magic) - $500,000
Richie Adrien (Magic) - $500,000
Will Cunningham (76ers) - $425,000
Glenn Robinson (76ers) - $6,113,691
Otto Nelson (76ers) - $500,000
Stefano Adams (76ers) - $2,002,997
Fred Ricketts (Wizards) - $500,000
Chris Smart (Wizards) - $350,000
Bobby Kinney (Wizards) - $450,000
Kirk Gaines (Wizards) - $350,000
Austin Anderson (Wizards) - $500,000
Irving Counts (Wizards) - $425,000
Darius Dawson (Wizards) - $350,000
Hank Korkmaz (Hawks) - $500,000
Rusty Bingham (Hawks) - $350,000
Ira Newble (Hawks) - $350,000
Garry Guokas (Hawks) - $500,000
Leroy Derrickson (Hawks) - $500,000
Ed Bailey (Hawks) - $500,000
Kelvin Johnson (Hawks) - $500,000
Johnny Bassett (Hawks) - $475,000
Ernie Bargnani (Hawks) - $500,000
Brian Grant (Hornets) - $5,219,754
Mark Pope (Hornets) - $425,000
Bob Robinson (Hornets) - $4,978,509
Stacey Augmon (Hornets) - $2,601,561
Allie Hartenstein (Hornets) - $500,000
Alvin Sims (Hornets) - $350,000
Chris Granger (Hornets) - $425,000
Bryon Cunningham (Hornets) - $425,000
Paul Grant (Bulls) - $350,000
Kentavious Mahnken (Bulls) - $450,000
Matt Garvin (Bulls) - $350,000
Jamal Robinson (Bulls) - $350,000
Frido Jones (Bulls) - $425,000
Melvin Boone (Bulls) - $500,000
Jalen Rose (Cavaliers) - $5,628,429
INCOMPLETE ROSTER CHARGE (Cavaliers) - $862,500
Juwan Howard (Pistons) - $4,732,698
Charlie Ward (Pistons) - $10,890,960
Jesse Naber (Pistons) - $500,000
Mikki Moore (Pacers) - $350,000
Greg Dickson (Pacers) - $3,628,356
Darius Adams (Pacers) - $450,000
Etdrick Bohannon (Pacers) - $350,000
Butch Wright (Pacers) - $450,000
Alex Anthony (Pacers) - $500,000
Harvey Phelps (Pacers) - $475,000
Dick White (Pacers) - $500,000
Ime LeVert (Pacers) - $350,000
Cameron Hastings (Pacers) - $425,000
Elton Chriss (Pacers) - $4,282,161
Gheorghe Boerwinkle (Bucks) - $500,000
Jarnell Sloan (Bucks) - $500,000
Vincenzo Mann (Bucks) - $4,501,647
Darrell Dark (Bucks) - $450,000
Justin Bennett (Bucks) - $350,000
Dickey Simpkins (Raptors) - $3,903,678
Othella Lumpp (Raptors) - $500,000
Sid Murray (Raptors) - $3,792,321
Erick Lockhart (Raptors) - $500,000
Jason Sasser (Raptors) - $425,000
Brandon Williams (Raptors) - $1,920,000
Bubba Wells (Raptors) - $350,000
Marlon Gervin (Raptors) - $4,094,799
Gabe Mayberry (Raptors) - $475,000
PREVIOUSLY WAIVED PLAYERS (Raptors) - $1,427,387
Jeff Jones (Mavericks) - $500,000
Tom Washington (Mavericks) - $350,000
Nathan Rondo (Mavericks) - $425,000
George McDyess (Mavericks) - $500,000
Eric Washington (Mavericks) - $350,000
Shea Seals (Mavericks) - $350,000
Bob Johnson (Mavericks) - $500,000
Porter Conlon (Mavericks) - $350,000
Askia Jackson (Mavericks) - $425,000
Horacio Llamas (Nuggets) - $425,000
Steve Hamer (Nuggets) - $425,000
Tom Miles (Nuggets) - $3,748,818
Steve Rentzias (Nuggets) - $450,000
Ha Rigaudeau (Nuggets) - $1,950,000
Clifford Devlin (Nuggets) - $450,000
Juaquin Hawkins (Nuggets) - $425,000
Mark DeBusschere (Nuggets) - $500,000
Willie Thacker (Nuggets) - $450,000
Chuck Donovan (Nuggets) - $475,000
Cincinnatus Morgenthaler (Nuggets) - $500,000
Dante Robinson (Nuggets) - $532,800
Tang Cheeks (Rockets) - $500,000
Alec Webster (Rockets) - $475,000
Jordan Bragg (Rockets) - $475,000
Tony Hayward (Rockets) - $3,870,027
John Callahan (Rockets) - $500,000
Charles Smith (Rockets) - $350,000
Keifer White (Rockets) - $500,000
Theo Rush (Timberwolves) - $500,000
Jevon Feick (Timberwolves) - $475,000
Chase Rollins (Timberwolves) - $500,000
Forrest Brown (Timberwolves) - $3,525,810
Marko Andersen (Timberwolves) - $500,000
Isaac N'Diaye (Timberwolves) - $475,000
Ira Johnson (Timberwolves) - $350,000
Bird Rubio (Timberwolves) - $350,000
Ben Handlogten (Spurs) - $1,170,000
Aleksandar Haskins (Spurs) - $500,000
Martin Muursepp (Spurs) - $1,200,000
Kiwane Garris (Spurs) - $1,200,000
Dana Acton (Spurs) - $1,300,000
Amal McCaskill (Jazz) - $425,000
Peter Aluma (Jazz) - $350,000
Walt Williams (Jazz) - $6,000,000
Joe Bramlett (Jazz) - $500,000
Eddie Jones (Jazz) - $12,162,951
Johnny West (Jazz) - $500,000
Jim Strickland (Jazz) - $475,000
Rick Hughes (Grizzlies) - $1,300,000
Jeff Nordgaard (Grizzlies) - $1,300,000
Marlon Garnett (Grizzlies) - $350,000
Mengke Bateer (Clippers) - $350,000
Trevor Winter (Clippers) - $350,000
Ben Reed (Clippers) - $500,000
Keith Pondexter (Clippers) - $425,000
Jahmi'us Hill (Clippers) - $350,000
Ken Foust (Clippers) - $5,351,022
Kannard Donovan (Clippers) - $500,000
Isaiah Mannion (Lakers) - $500,000
Mike Gasol (Lakers) - $450,000
Ira Bowman (Lakers) - $425,000
Jim Crow (Lakers) - $350,000
Dick Paultz (Lakers) - $500,000
George Mulder (Suns) - $450,000
Steve Higgins (Suns) - $500,000
Rodrick Rhodes (Suns) - $350,000
Jon Negratti (Suns) - $500,000
Bob Jack (Suns) - $350,000
Jonathan Kerner (Trail Blazers) - $350,000
Mark Hendrickson (Trail Blazers) - $425,000
Aaron McKie (Trail Blazers) - $8,838,858
INCOMPLETE ROSTER CHARGE (Trail Blazers) - $287,500
Priest Lauderdale (Kings) - $425,000
Monty Williams (Kings) - $5,142,342
Ibo Kutluay (Kings) - $425,000
Rollen Becker (Kings) - $475,000
Ruben Wolkowyski (SuperSonics) - $425,000
Jon Barry (SuperSonics) - $4,680,000
James Cotton (SuperSonics) - $350,000
Perry Bell (SuperSonics) - $425,000
INCOMPLETE ROSTER CHARGE (SuperSonics) - $575,000
Brief explanation of Incomplete Roster Charge:
You need a minimum of 12 players on your roster at the start of the season. Incomplete roster charges are the amount of a minimum salary times the number of roster spots you have open, if this number is less than 12. Note that cap holds DO count as a roster spot in these calculations, so most teams will not have incomplete roster charges when this is initially posted, but may incur them once they waive any cap holds.
You may notice that all free agents aren't on here. As the rules thread posted above states, the player's birds are automatically renounced if he plays zero games on the season.
Also please note that cap holds do NOT impact luxury tax calculations, with the exception of incomplete roster charges and previously waived players' salaries.
You can post in this thread which players you want to renounce. This thread will stay open until the off-season ends, and the rights will automatically be renounced after training camp if you haven't done so already. You can decide in waves, but all decisions to renounce are final. If you renounce an RFA, you lose the right to match on their offer sheet.
Anyways, these are the cap holds on your free agents. In layman's terms, the cap hold is the price you have to pay to hold that player's bird rights. You can renounce any and all of these (except for incomplete roster charges and previously waived players), but just remember that when you do you lose bird rights on that player. Here is a list of all the holds for this off-season:
Lawrence Funderburke (Celtics) - $7,287,246
Cory Wedman (Celtics) - $500,000
Joe Stephens (Celtics) - $425,000
Derek Grimm (Celtics) - $350,000
Voshon Lenard (Celtics) - $5,290,749
Doug Thomas (Celtics) - $425,000
Renaldo Blaylock (Heat) - $2,779,446
JoJo Turner (Heat) - $500,000
Theo Pelle (Heat) - $500,000
Bismack Haley (Heat) - $500,000
Lennie King (Heat) - $350,000
Howard Eisley (Heat) - $6,662,775
Chris Garner (Heat) - $350,000
Stan Parker (Heat) - $450,000
Caldwell DeZonie (Heat) - $500,000
Lonny Howard (Nets) - $450,000
Chris Crawford (Nets) - $350,000
George Leaks (Nets) - $475,000
Wesley Taylor (Nets) - $3,505,671
Matt Coleman (Nets) - $500,000
Jawun Blanton (Nets) - $3,105,000
Dirk Roberts (Nets) - $475,000
Haywood Schaefer (Nets) - $425,000
Lorenzo Wright (Nets) - $500,000
Gerald Pondexter (Knicks) - $450,000
Donyell Marshall (Knicks) - $5,062,887
Hank Lott (Knicks) - $500,000
Blake Favors (Knicks) - $500,000
P.J. Duren (Knicks) - $500,000
Gundars King (Magic) - $500,000
Rich Hernandez (Magic) - $500,000
Danilo Clifton (Magic) - $500,000
Torrey Garza (Magic) - $500,000
Dedric Willoughby (Magic) - $350,000
Branden Jefferson (Magic) - $500,000
Jim Lee (Magic) - $500,000
Richie Adrien (Magic) - $500,000
Will Cunningham (76ers) - $425,000
Glenn Robinson (76ers) - $6,113,691
Otto Nelson (76ers) - $500,000
Stefano Adams (76ers) - $2,002,997
Fred Ricketts (Wizards) - $500,000
Chris Smart (Wizards) - $350,000
Bobby Kinney (Wizards) - $450,000
Kirk Gaines (Wizards) - $350,000
Austin Anderson (Wizards) - $500,000
Irving Counts (Wizards) - $425,000
Darius Dawson (Wizards) - $350,000
Hank Korkmaz (Hawks) - $500,000
Rusty Bingham (Hawks) - $350,000
Ira Newble (Hawks) - $350,000
Garry Guokas (Hawks) - $500,000
Leroy Derrickson (Hawks) - $500,000
Ed Bailey (Hawks) - $500,000
Kelvin Johnson (Hawks) - $500,000
Johnny Bassett (Hawks) - $475,000
Ernie Bargnani (Hawks) - $500,000
Brian Grant (Hornets) - $5,219,754
Mark Pope (Hornets) - $425,000
Bob Robinson (Hornets) - $4,978,509
Stacey Augmon (Hornets) - $2,601,561
Allie Hartenstein (Hornets) - $500,000
Alvin Sims (Hornets) - $350,000
Chris Granger (Hornets) - $425,000
Bryon Cunningham (Hornets) - $425,000
Paul Grant (Bulls) - $350,000
Kentavious Mahnken (Bulls) - $450,000
Matt Garvin (Bulls) - $350,000
Jamal Robinson (Bulls) - $350,000
Frido Jones (Bulls) - $425,000
Melvin Boone (Bulls) - $500,000
Jalen Rose (Cavaliers) - $5,628,429
INCOMPLETE ROSTER CHARGE (Cavaliers) - $862,500
Juwan Howard (Pistons) - $4,732,698
Charlie Ward (Pistons) - $10,890,960
Jesse Naber (Pistons) - $500,000
Mikki Moore (Pacers) - $350,000
Greg Dickson (Pacers) - $3,628,356
Darius Adams (Pacers) - $450,000
Etdrick Bohannon (Pacers) - $350,000
Butch Wright (Pacers) - $450,000
Alex Anthony (Pacers) - $500,000
Harvey Phelps (Pacers) - $475,000
Dick White (Pacers) - $500,000
Ime LeVert (Pacers) - $350,000
Cameron Hastings (Pacers) - $425,000
Elton Chriss (Pacers) - $4,282,161
Gheorghe Boerwinkle (Bucks) - $500,000
Jarnell Sloan (Bucks) - $500,000
Vincenzo Mann (Bucks) - $4,501,647
Darrell Dark (Bucks) - $450,000
Justin Bennett (Bucks) - $350,000
Dickey Simpkins (Raptors) - $3,903,678
Othella Lumpp (Raptors) - $500,000
Sid Murray (Raptors) - $3,792,321
Erick Lockhart (Raptors) - $500,000
Jason Sasser (Raptors) - $425,000
Brandon Williams (Raptors) - $1,920,000
Bubba Wells (Raptors) - $350,000
Marlon Gervin (Raptors) - $4,094,799
Gabe Mayberry (Raptors) - $475,000
PREVIOUSLY WAIVED PLAYERS (Raptors) - $1,427,387
Jeff Jones (Mavericks) - $500,000
Tom Washington (Mavericks) - $350,000
Nathan Rondo (Mavericks) - $425,000
George McDyess (Mavericks) - $500,000
Eric Washington (Mavericks) - $350,000
Shea Seals (Mavericks) - $350,000
Bob Johnson (Mavericks) - $500,000
Porter Conlon (Mavericks) - $350,000
Askia Jackson (Mavericks) - $425,000
Horacio Llamas (Nuggets) - $425,000
Steve Hamer (Nuggets) - $425,000
Tom Miles (Nuggets) - $3,748,818
Steve Rentzias (Nuggets) - $450,000
Ha Rigaudeau (Nuggets) - $1,950,000
Clifford Devlin (Nuggets) - $450,000
Juaquin Hawkins (Nuggets) - $425,000
Mark DeBusschere (Nuggets) - $500,000
Willie Thacker (Nuggets) - $450,000
Chuck Donovan (Nuggets) - $475,000
Cincinnatus Morgenthaler (Nuggets) - $500,000
Dante Robinson (Nuggets) - $532,800
Tang Cheeks (Rockets) - $500,000
Alec Webster (Rockets) - $475,000
Jordan Bragg (Rockets) - $475,000
Tony Hayward (Rockets) - $3,870,027
John Callahan (Rockets) - $500,000
Charles Smith (Rockets) - $350,000
Keifer White (Rockets) - $500,000
Theo Rush (Timberwolves) - $500,000
Jevon Feick (Timberwolves) - $475,000
Chase Rollins (Timberwolves) - $500,000
Forrest Brown (Timberwolves) - $3,525,810
Marko Andersen (Timberwolves) - $500,000
Isaac N'Diaye (Timberwolves) - $475,000
Ira Johnson (Timberwolves) - $350,000
Bird Rubio (Timberwolves) - $350,000
Ben Handlogten (Spurs) - $1,170,000
Aleksandar Haskins (Spurs) - $500,000
Martin Muursepp (Spurs) - $1,200,000
Kiwane Garris (Spurs) - $1,200,000
Dana Acton (Spurs) - $1,300,000
Amal McCaskill (Jazz) - $425,000
Peter Aluma (Jazz) - $350,000
Walt Williams (Jazz) - $6,000,000
Joe Bramlett (Jazz) - $500,000
Eddie Jones (Jazz) - $12,162,951
Johnny West (Jazz) - $500,000
Jim Strickland (Jazz) - $475,000
Rick Hughes (Grizzlies) - $1,300,000
Jeff Nordgaard (Grizzlies) - $1,300,000
Marlon Garnett (Grizzlies) - $350,000
Mengke Bateer (Clippers) - $350,000
Trevor Winter (Clippers) - $350,000
Ben Reed (Clippers) - $500,000
Keith Pondexter (Clippers) - $425,000
Jahmi'us Hill (Clippers) - $350,000
Ken Foust (Clippers) - $5,351,022
Kannard Donovan (Clippers) - $500,000
Isaiah Mannion (Lakers) - $500,000
Mike Gasol (Lakers) - $450,000
Ira Bowman (Lakers) - $425,000
Jim Crow (Lakers) - $350,000
Dick Paultz (Lakers) - $500,000
George Mulder (Suns) - $450,000
Steve Higgins (Suns) - $500,000
Rodrick Rhodes (Suns) - $350,000
Jon Negratti (Suns) - $500,000
Bob Jack (Suns) - $350,000
Jonathan Kerner (Trail Blazers) - $350,000
Mark Hendrickson (Trail Blazers) - $425,000
Aaron McKie (Trail Blazers) - $8,838,858
INCOMPLETE ROSTER CHARGE (Trail Blazers) - $287,500
Priest Lauderdale (Kings) - $425,000
Monty Williams (Kings) - $5,142,342
Ibo Kutluay (Kings) - $425,000
Rollen Becker (Kings) - $475,000
Ruben Wolkowyski (SuperSonics) - $425,000
Jon Barry (SuperSonics) - $4,680,000
James Cotton (SuperSonics) - $350,000
Perry Bell (SuperSonics) - $425,000
INCOMPLETE ROSTER CHARGE (SuperSonics) - $575,000
Brief explanation of Incomplete Roster Charge:
You need a minimum of 12 players on your roster at the start of the season. Incomplete roster charges are the amount of a minimum salary times the number of roster spots you have open, if this number is less than 12. Note that cap holds DO count as a roster spot in these calculations, so most teams will not have incomplete roster charges when this is initially posted, but may incur them once they waive any cap holds.
You may notice that all free agents aren't on here. As the rules thread posted above states, the player's birds are automatically renounced if he plays zero games on the season.
Also please note that cap holds do NOT impact luxury tax calculations, with the exception of incomplete roster charges and previously waived players' salaries.
You can post in this thread which players you want to renounce. This thread will stay open until the off-season ends, and the rights will automatically be renounced after training camp if you haven't done so already. You can decide in waves, but all decisions to renounce are final. If you renounce an RFA, you lose the right to match on their offer sheet.