Post by CC06 on Jul 29, 2022 15:55:32 GMT -5
If you look at the index, you'll almost certainly see a large amount in your "Cut Players" salary at the bottom of your team page. If this number confuses you, please see Question 5 here:
Anyways, these are the cap holds on your free agents. In layman's terms, the cap hold is the price you have to pay to hold that player's bird rights. You can renounce any and all of these (except for incomplete roster charges and previously waived players), but just remember that when you do you lose bird rights on that player. Here is a list of all the holds for this off-season:
Torraye Braggs (Celtics) - $385,000
Hank Lott (Celtics) - $760,000
Erick Lockhart (Celtics) - $760,000
Jose Aubuchon (Celtics) - $5,219,754
Kiwane Garris (Celtics) - $460,000
Willie Thacker (Celtics) - $540,000
Ken Bazarevich (Celtics) - $385,000
Cory Miles (Heat) - $3,525,810
Tom Washington (Heat) - $460,000
Ibo Kutluay (Heat) - $510,000
Alvin Sims (Heat) - $460,000
Jim Lee (Heat) - $697,500
Melvin Boone (Heat) - $760,000
Travis Knight (Nets) - $1,060,560
Ben Handlogten (Nets) - $510,000
Horacio Llamas (Nets) - $510,000
Theo Rush (Nets) - $1,000,000
Casey Shaw (Nets) - $385,000
Sean Marks (Nets) - $385,000
Jordan Bragg (Nets) - $572,500
Derek Grimm (Nets) - $460,000
Jamal Robinson (Nets) - $460,000
Miles Simon (Nets) - $385,000
Ben Reed (Nets) - $760,000
Stefano Adams (Nets) - $1,000,000
Perry Bell (Nets) - $510,000
Haywood Schaefer (Nets) - $510,000
Bryant Reeves (Knicks) - $5,628,429
J.R. Henderson (Knicks) - $385,000
Brent Barry (Knicks) - $5,142,342
Vitaly Potapenko (Magic) - $1,068,300
Othella Lumpp (Magic) - $885,000
P.J. Brown (Magic) - $9,136,125
Chase Rollins (Magic) - $1,000,000
Jerry Stackhouse (Magic) - $10,890,960
Kelly McCarty (Magic) - $399,381
Jim Strickland (Magic) - $572,500
Nikola Russell (Magic) - $385,000
Luc Longley (76ers) - $4,112,784
Rick Hughes (76ers) - $510,000
Ben Davis (76ers) - $3,087,500
Ryan Bowen (76ers) - $385,000
James Collins (76ers) - $460,000
Robert Pack (76ers) - $3,357,155
Tyson Wheeler (76ers) - $385,000
Jayson Long (76ers) - $385,000
Antonio McDyess (Wizards) - $8,838,858
Ruben Garces (Wizards) - $385,000
Makhtar N'Diaye (Wizards) - $385,000
Tyrone Nesby (Wizards) - $385,000
Darvin Ham (Wizards) - $637,500
David Bryant (Wizards) - $540,000
Tom Miles (Hawks) - $572,500
Paul Cannon (Hawks) - $385,000
Matt Coleman (Hawks) - $1,000,000
Cameron Hastings (Hawks) - $510,000
Theo Ratliff (Hornets) - $9,796,101
Joe Smith (Hornets) - $6,113,691
Doug Christie (Hornets) - $9,136,125
Fred Hoiberg (Hornets) - $4,978,509
Ira Bowman (Hornets) - $510,000
God Shammgod (Hornets) - $460,000
Isaac Austin (Bulls) - $5,886,563
Michael Doleac (Bulls) - $385,000
Edwin Byrnes (Bulls) - $635,000
Floyd Hill (Bulls) - $572,500
Samaki Walker (Bulls) - $1,242,180
Steve Higgins (Bulls) - $885,000
Pepe Silas (Bulls) - $460,000
Jeff Nordgaard (Bulls) - $510,000
Eric Green (Bulls) - $385,000
Jason Lawson (Cavaliers) - $460,000
Marcus Brown (Cavaliers) - $3,087,500
Jeff Sheppard (Cavaliers) - $385,000
Ruben Wolkowyski (Pistons) - $510,000
Kevin Garnett (Pistons) - $12,162,951
Kebu Stewart (Pistons) - $460,000
Rick Fox (Pistons) - $10,028,421
Rodrick Rhodes (Pistons) - $460,000
Bob Sura (Pistons) - $4,501,647
Cory Carr (Pistons) - $385,000
Greg Anthony (Pistons) - $9,908,912
Mengke Bateer (Pacers) - $460,000
Gheorghe Boerwinkle (Pacers) - $635,000
Pat Garrity (Pacers) - $385,000
Mark Hendrickson (Pacers) - $510,000
John Callahan (Pacers) - $697,500
Bubba Wells (Pacers) - $460,000
Johnny West (Pacers) - $697,500
Marlon Gervin (Pacers) - $572,500
Jesse Naber (Pacers) - $635,000
Pepe Stansbury (Pacers) - $385,000
Marko Milic (Bucks) - $460,000
Dickey Simpkins (Raptors) - $2,812,601
Gary Trent (Raptors) - $3,936,357
Roy Rogers (Raptors) - $4,940,000
Derrick Dial (Raptors) - $385,000
LaPhonso Ellis (Mavericks) - $7,950,000
Gerald Brown (Mavericks) - $3,600,000
Keith Eackles (Mavericks) - $3,480,330
Eric Snow (Mavericks) - $6,662,775
Bob Johnson (Mavericks) - $2,600,000
Steve Hamer (Nuggets) - $650,000
Mark Pope (Nuggets) - $600,000
Juaquin Hawkins (Nuggets) - $650,000
Dontae' Jones (Nuggets) - $637,500
Billy Thomas (Nuggets) - $385,000
Elton Chriss (Nuggets) - $572,500
Cincinnatus Morgenthaler (Nuggets) - $635,000
Jerome James (Rockets) - $385,000
Jonathan Kerner (Rockets) - $460,000
Kurt Thomas (Rockets) - $8,016,765
Steve Rentzias (Rockets) - $540,000
Michael Finley (Rockets) - $5,351,022
Danilo Clifton (Rockets) - $635,000
Felipe Lopez (Rockets) - $385,000
Precious Davis (Rockets) - $385,000
John Crotty (Rockets) - $3,259,650
Ken Foust (Rockets) - $572,500
Priest Lauderdale (Timberwolves) - $510,000
Greg Dickson (Timberwolves) - $572,500
Rasheed Wallace (Timberwolves) - $5,062,887
Doug Thomas (Timberwolves) - $510,000
Will Cunningham (Spurs) - $510,000
Paul Grant (Spurs) - $460,000
Joe Stephens (Spurs) - $510,000
Korleone Young (Spurs) - $385,000
Shea Seals (Spurs) - $460,000
Marlon Garnett (Spurs) - $460,000
Arthur Kappen (Spurs) - $385,000
Dirk Roberts (Spurs) - $572,500
Lorenzo Wright (Spurs) - $635,000
Moritz Head (Spurs) - $572,500
Amal McCaskill (Jazz) - $1,665,626
Peter Aluma (Jazz) - $1,300,000
Chris Crawford (Jazz) - $460,000
Martin Muursepp (Jazz) - $510,000
Etdrick Bohannon (Jazz) - $460,000
Bryant Stith (Jazz) - $3,975,000
Dedric Willoughby (Jazz) - $460,000
Damon Stoudamire (Jazz) - $7,287,246
Randy Brown (Jazz) - $4,271,000
Lorenzo Dorsey (Grizzlies) - $3,832,911
Tremaine Fowlkes (Grizzlies) - $385,000
Chris Robinson (Grizzlies) - $637,500
Oscar Torres (Grizzlies) - $385,000
DeJuan Wheat (Grizzlies) - $460,000
Dick Suggs (Grizzlies) - $3,903,678
Cory Wedman (Warriors) - $697,500
Ervin Johnson (Clippers) - $6,000,000
Trevor Winter (Clippers) - $460,000
Popeye Jones (Clippers) - $2,805,000
Jemerrio Hollis (Clippers) - $460,000
Latrell Sprewell (Clippers) - $9,136,125
Jahmi'us Hill (Clippers) - $460,000
Kannard Donovan (Clippers) - $697,500
Keith Closs (Lakers) - $460,000
Walter McCarty (Lakers) - $1,106,820
Slava Medvedenko (Lakers) - $385,000
DeMarco Johnson (Lakers) - $385,000
Roshown McLeod (Lakers) - $385,000
James Cotton (Lakers) - $460,000
Sidney Williams (Lakers) - $3,505,671
Stan Parker (Lakers) - $540,000
George Mulder (Suns) - $540,000
Keith Booth (Suns) - $460,000
Bruce King (Suns) - $4,094,799
Greg Ostertag (Trail Blazers) - $5,290,749
Nate Huffman (Trail Blazers) - $460,000
Tony Hayward (Trail Blazers) - $572,500
Charles O'Bannon (Trail Blazers) - $2,184,000
Bob Jack (Trail Blazers) - $460,000
Jerald Honeycutt (Kings) - $460,000
Chris Garner (Kings) - $460,000
Rollen Becker (Kings) - $572,500
Matt Geiger (SuperSonics) - $1,816,875
Corliss Williamson (SuperSonics) - $4,732,698
Brian Evans (SuperSonics) - $637,500
Steve Goodrich (SuperSonics) - $385,000
Jason Sasser (SuperSonics) - $510,000
George McDyess (SuperSonics) - $635,000
Isaac Fontaine (SuperSonics) - $385,000
Darrell Armstrong (SuperSonics) - $11,212,500
Irving Counts (SuperSonics) - $485,000
Brief explanation of Incomplete Roster Charge:
You need a minimum of 12 players on your roster at the start of the season. Incomplete roster charges are the amount of a minimum salary times the number of roster spots you have open, if this number is less than 12. Note that cap holds DO count as a roster spot in these calculations, so most teams will not have incomplete roster charges when this is initially posted, but may incur them once they waive any cap holds.
You may notice that all free agents aren't on here. As the rules thread posted above states, the player's birds are automatically renounced if he plays zero games on the season.
Also please note that cap holds do NOT impact luxury tax calculations, with the exception of incomplete roster charges and previously waived players' salaries.
You can post in this thread which players you want to renounce. This thread will stay open until the off-season ends, and the rights will automatically be renounced after training camp if you haven't done so already. You can decide in waves, but all decisions to renounce are final. If you renounce an RFA, you lose the right to match on their offer sheet.
Anyways, these are the cap holds on your free agents. In layman's terms, the cap hold is the price you have to pay to hold that player's bird rights. You can renounce any and all of these (except for incomplete roster charges and previously waived players), but just remember that when you do you lose bird rights on that player. Here is a list of all the holds for this off-season:
Torraye Braggs (Celtics) - $385,000
Hank Lott (Celtics) - $760,000
Erick Lockhart (Celtics) - $760,000
Jose Aubuchon (Celtics) - $5,219,754
Kiwane Garris (Celtics) - $460,000
Willie Thacker (Celtics) - $540,000
Ken Bazarevich (Celtics) - $385,000
Cory Miles (Heat) - $3,525,810
Tom Washington (Heat) - $460,000
Ibo Kutluay (Heat) - $510,000
Alvin Sims (Heat) - $460,000
Jim Lee (Heat) - $697,500
Melvin Boone (Heat) - $760,000
Travis Knight (Nets) - $1,060,560
Ben Handlogten (Nets) - $510,000
Horacio Llamas (Nets) - $510,000
Theo Rush (Nets) - $1,000,000
Casey Shaw (Nets) - $385,000
Sean Marks (Nets) - $385,000
Jordan Bragg (Nets) - $572,500
Derek Grimm (Nets) - $460,000
Jamal Robinson (Nets) - $460,000
Miles Simon (Nets) - $385,000
Ben Reed (Nets) - $760,000
Stefano Adams (Nets) - $1,000,000
Perry Bell (Nets) - $510,000
Haywood Schaefer (Nets) - $510,000
Bryant Reeves (Knicks) - $5,628,429
J.R. Henderson (Knicks) - $385,000
Brent Barry (Knicks) - $5,142,342
Vitaly Potapenko (Magic) - $1,068,300
Othella Lumpp (Magic) - $885,000
P.J. Brown (Magic) - $9,136,125
Chase Rollins (Magic) - $1,000,000
Jerry Stackhouse (Magic) - $10,890,960
Kelly McCarty (Magic) - $399,381
Jim Strickland (Magic) - $572,500
Nikola Russell (Magic) - $385,000
Luc Longley (76ers) - $4,112,784
Rick Hughes (76ers) - $510,000
Ben Davis (76ers) - $3,087,500
Ryan Bowen (76ers) - $385,000
James Collins (76ers) - $460,000
Robert Pack (76ers) - $3,357,155
Tyson Wheeler (76ers) - $385,000
Jayson Long (76ers) - $385,000
Antonio McDyess (Wizards) - $8,838,858
Ruben Garces (Wizards) - $385,000
Makhtar N'Diaye (Wizards) - $385,000
Tyrone Nesby (Wizards) - $385,000
Darvin Ham (Wizards) - $637,500
David Bryant (Wizards) - $540,000
Tom Miles (Hawks) - $572,500
Paul Cannon (Hawks) - $385,000
Matt Coleman (Hawks) - $1,000,000
Cameron Hastings (Hawks) - $510,000
Theo Ratliff (Hornets) - $9,796,101
Joe Smith (Hornets) - $6,113,691
Doug Christie (Hornets) - $9,136,125
Fred Hoiberg (Hornets) - $4,978,509
Ira Bowman (Hornets) - $510,000
God Shammgod (Hornets) - $460,000
Isaac Austin (Bulls) - $5,886,563
Michael Doleac (Bulls) - $385,000
Edwin Byrnes (Bulls) - $635,000
Floyd Hill (Bulls) - $572,500
Samaki Walker (Bulls) - $1,242,180
Steve Higgins (Bulls) - $885,000
Pepe Silas (Bulls) - $460,000
Jeff Nordgaard (Bulls) - $510,000
Eric Green (Bulls) - $385,000
Jason Lawson (Cavaliers) - $460,000
Marcus Brown (Cavaliers) - $3,087,500
Jeff Sheppard (Cavaliers) - $385,000
Ruben Wolkowyski (Pistons) - $510,000
Kevin Garnett (Pistons) - $12,162,951
Kebu Stewart (Pistons) - $460,000
Rick Fox (Pistons) - $10,028,421
Rodrick Rhodes (Pistons) - $460,000
Bob Sura (Pistons) - $4,501,647
Cory Carr (Pistons) - $385,000
Greg Anthony (Pistons) - $9,908,912
Mengke Bateer (Pacers) - $460,000
Gheorghe Boerwinkle (Pacers) - $635,000
Pat Garrity (Pacers) - $385,000
Mark Hendrickson (Pacers) - $510,000
John Callahan (Pacers) - $697,500
Bubba Wells (Pacers) - $460,000
Johnny West (Pacers) - $697,500
Marlon Gervin (Pacers) - $572,500
Jesse Naber (Pacers) - $635,000
Pepe Stansbury (Pacers) - $385,000
Marko Milic (Bucks) - $460,000
Dickey Simpkins (Raptors) - $2,812,601
Gary Trent (Raptors) - $3,936,357
Roy Rogers (Raptors) - $4,940,000
Derrick Dial (Raptors) - $385,000
LaPhonso Ellis (Mavericks) - $7,950,000
Gerald Brown (Mavericks) - $3,600,000
Keith Eackles (Mavericks) - $3,480,330
Eric Snow (Mavericks) - $6,662,775
Bob Johnson (Mavericks) - $2,600,000
Steve Hamer (Nuggets) - $650,000
Mark Pope (Nuggets) - $600,000
Juaquin Hawkins (Nuggets) - $650,000
Dontae' Jones (Nuggets) - $637,500
Billy Thomas (Nuggets) - $385,000
Elton Chriss (Nuggets) - $572,500
Cincinnatus Morgenthaler (Nuggets) - $635,000
Jerome James (Rockets) - $385,000
Jonathan Kerner (Rockets) - $460,000
Kurt Thomas (Rockets) - $8,016,765
Steve Rentzias (Rockets) - $540,000
Michael Finley (Rockets) - $5,351,022
Danilo Clifton (Rockets) - $635,000
Felipe Lopez (Rockets) - $385,000
Precious Davis (Rockets) - $385,000
John Crotty (Rockets) - $3,259,650
Ken Foust (Rockets) - $572,500
Priest Lauderdale (Timberwolves) - $510,000
Greg Dickson (Timberwolves) - $572,500
Rasheed Wallace (Timberwolves) - $5,062,887
Doug Thomas (Timberwolves) - $510,000
Will Cunningham (Spurs) - $510,000
Paul Grant (Spurs) - $460,000
Joe Stephens (Spurs) - $510,000
Korleone Young (Spurs) - $385,000
Shea Seals (Spurs) - $460,000
Marlon Garnett (Spurs) - $460,000
Arthur Kappen (Spurs) - $385,000
Dirk Roberts (Spurs) - $572,500
Lorenzo Wright (Spurs) - $635,000
Moritz Head (Spurs) - $572,500
Amal McCaskill (Jazz) - $1,665,626
Peter Aluma (Jazz) - $1,300,000
Chris Crawford (Jazz) - $460,000
Martin Muursepp (Jazz) - $510,000
Etdrick Bohannon (Jazz) - $460,000
Bryant Stith (Jazz) - $3,975,000
Dedric Willoughby (Jazz) - $460,000
Damon Stoudamire (Jazz) - $7,287,246
Randy Brown (Jazz) - $4,271,000
Lorenzo Dorsey (Grizzlies) - $3,832,911
Tremaine Fowlkes (Grizzlies) - $385,000
Chris Robinson (Grizzlies) - $637,500
Oscar Torres (Grizzlies) - $385,000
DeJuan Wheat (Grizzlies) - $460,000
Dick Suggs (Grizzlies) - $3,903,678
Cory Wedman (Warriors) - $697,500
Ervin Johnson (Clippers) - $6,000,000
Trevor Winter (Clippers) - $460,000
Popeye Jones (Clippers) - $2,805,000
Jemerrio Hollis (Clippers) - $460,000
Latrell Sprewell (Clippers) - $9,136,125
Jahmi'us Hill (Clippers) - $460,000
Kannard Donovan (Clippers) - $697,500
Keith Closs (Lakers) - $460,000
Walter McCarty (Lakers) - $1,106,820
Slava Medvedenko (Lakers) - $385,000
DeMarco Johnson (Lakers) - $385,000
Roshown McLeod (Lakers) - $385,000
James Cotton (Lakers) - $460,000
Sidney Williams (Lakers) - $3,505,671
Stan Parker (Lakers) - $540,000
George Mulder (Suns) - $540,000
Keith Booth (Suns) - $460,000
Bruce King (Suns) - $4,094,799
Greg Ostertag (Trail Blazers) - $5,290,749
Nate Huffman (Trail Blazers) - $460,000
Tony Hayward (Trail Blazers) - $572,500
Charles O'Bannon (Trail Blazers) - $2,184,000
Bob Jack (Trail Blazers) - $460,000
Jerald Honeycutt (Kings) - $460,000
Chris Garner (Kings) - $460,000
Rollen Becker (Kings) - $572,500
Matt Geiger (SuperSonics) - $1,816,875
Corliss Williamson (SuperSonics) - $4,732,698
Brian Evans (SuperSonics) - $637,500
Steve Goodrich (SuperSonics) - $385,000
Jason Sasser (SuperSonics) - $510,000
George McDyess (SuperSonics) - $635,000
Isaac Fontaine (SuperSonics) - $385,000
Darrell Armstrong (SuperSonics) - $11,212,500
Irving Counts (SuperSonics) - $485,000
Brief explanation of Incomplete Roster Charge:
You need a minimum of 12 players on your roster at the start of the season. Incomplete roster charges are the amount of a minimum salary times the number of roster spots you have open, if this number is less than 12. Note that cap holds DO count as a roster spot in these calculations, so most teams will not have incomplete roster charges when this is initially posted, but may incur them once they waive any cap holds.
You may notice that all free agents aren't on here. As the rules thread posted above states, the player's birds are automatically renounced if he plays zero games on the season.
Also please note that cap holds do NOT impact luxury tax calculations, with the exception of incomplete roster charges and previously waived players' salaries.
You can post in this thread which players you want to renounce. This thread will stay open until the off-season ends, and the rights will automatically be renounced after training camp if you haven't done so already. You can decide in waves, but all decisions to renounce are final. If you renounce an RFA, you lose the right to match on their offer sheet.